YOU ARE HERE: HSEC Report 2004 > Community > Victoria
In Victoria, BlueScope Steel provides support to our communities through a range of community partnerships, which are targeted mainly towards young people, education, the environment, emergency services, arts and culture and fostering a sense of community.
Our significant community partnerships over the past year included those with emergency services organisations and the Hastings Community Centre, and our financial support for construction of a major new aquatic centre in Hastings.
The Company also continues to support the Fit To Drive young driver education initiative which operates on the Mornington Peninsula to educate young people in Years 10, 11 and 12 about road safety issues.
In addition to its community partnerships program, BlueScope Steel also provides one-off donations to local community groups, events and causes.
A major new initiative announced in the second half of 2004 is the Company's 3 year sponsorship of the BlueScope Steel Indigenous Art Galleries at the National Gallery of Victoria's Ian Potter Centre at Federation Square, Melbourne. BlueScope Steel is also the principal sponsor of NGV's exciting exhibition, Colour Power: Aboriginal art post 1984.